gaining no purchase

Starting with last week's horseback ride, I have been thwarted in virtually all my doings. Here's a list.
1. The first people sweater I've ever knitted came out about 4 inches too short and with armholes designed for Iggy Pop. I realize it would have been nothing short of miraculous had the first sweater I ever knitted actually fit. But still. Plus, it looks kind of tardy. Fortunately I had Matt try it on before I added the sleeves.
2. I got blown off on Valentine's Day. (I was going to add an incriminating link here, but as I searched for one, I found that there are two JK's who are executive editors of zines, and the one who blew me off is the the less successful, and knowing that is enough.) (See Ah, the's just like dating all over again!
3. I thought I had taught Maisie to heel perfectly off leash, but Dana and I took her for a walk and it was like a wild marmoset was engaged in trying to pull my arm off. Back to the training collar.
Matt just called and there's snow on Mt. St. Helena. I'm jumping in the car and heading up to elevation to show Maisie her first snow. Further bulletins as events warrant.
Dude take pictures of the snow!
Posted by
postacademic |
2:04 PM
Not only did she get blown off on Valentine's Day, folks, but she got blown off for the boy's *girlfriend* who, let it be known, had made her own plans, being perfectly happy to share her good fortune with Ms. All That for an evening. The boy was hoping for a Manwich, however. Ms. All That would have none of it. Let the record stand.
Posted by
The_Shadow |
9:38 AM
True enough. if i were him, I'd have gone for the sure bet, too. I may be cheap, but I'm not easy.
Posted by
em |
2:00 PM
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