Monday, April 16, 2007

This weekend marked my first return to the SF Zoo since ending my volunteer stint, and it was awesome. The highlight: this very little baby siamang.

We watched for a good 20 minutes while a very cute indie rock bespectacled male zookeeper stood passively by with a teeny baby bottle while this adorable creature crawled all over him with her 4 prehensile feets. That keeper should put his phone number up on the glass; I (and the rest of the women) was melting.

Friday, April 13, 2007

what a waster

The Libertines reunited in London for 1 (1? Dare we hope?) show last night.

And I'm super pissed about Kate Moss stealing my life. Any time you're done, Katie.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

way to go, people

My genius engaged friends have managed to plan all this summer's weddings (except for Mauri & Justin, natch) to all hit in the space of one week. That's right. 3 weddings in 7 days. From here to San Diego.

How in the hell am I supposed to face *that* down, except as drunk, disorderly, and accompanied by a wildly inappropriate date?

You asked for it.

i'm just a girl who's only chewing for fun

I've been struggling with how to blog about my life, because much of it involves work. Work is juicy material. Work is being an editor at an online dating site. But not just dating. We own like 50 sites for every *kind* of dating there is, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

But I've finally decided to try, because it's too rich not to, and besides, I'm upsetting people at dinner parties with my inappropriate comments. Best to restrict myself to the web.

The funniest things are the consistent gaffes people make in their dating profiles. Favorites just from this last week:

* guy who mentions recent breakup -- in the headline, no less!

* guy who posts only photo of himself from the Eastern Pennsylvania kite festival

* girl who chooses "homemaker1219" as her handle

It's super fun to work with a bunch of writers on sex content. The typical office banter is totally off the hook, more like cocktail party banter. I plan to meet a coworker from another building for coffee, he says "wear something hot." I attend a meeting on our new VIP membership plan, and I learn about someone's Q-Tip fetish. I get a article to edit, lo and behold, it's my coworker writing about his experience with The Fleshlight sex toy. The fun never stops!

Monday, April 09, 2007

for now

There's very little that a night of sausage tacos with your best friends can't fix.

Not that anything was wrong to start with. Except. I did not go to Muse tonight, although I really, really wanted to. I didn't want to run into an ex. And although in past years I would've thought Fuck It, it's a public place, I can go to any concert I like and I REALLY want to see this show, I'm goin, dammit, I don't feel that way now. I feel like I could just steer clear of it and be a little regretful and eat some tacos and drink some wine and that would better and more memorable and worthy, in some way, than a show. Which is maturity, yes but also it's practicality/laziness. Who wants the hassle? Plus, it's fair. He gets this. I get other things. For example.

Not everybody gets to see their best friends on a Monday night for no good reason whatsoever. But I do. Because I have a beautiful romantic life.