It was like...like trying to force a turkey baster down the throat of a wet, angry terrier!
Yet it happened for reals. In an unprecedented show of gluttony, Maisie licked about 2 ounces worth of chocolate. Chocolate is toxic to dogs, so I called the vet, who ran the numbers (body weight, amount ate, type of chocolate) and said she'd probably be okay, but it'd be best if I could induce vomiting.
For some reason (probably my mother) I knew 1 part water, 1 part hydrogen peroxide gets you upchucking right quick. But after I'd hung up the phone, I realized I had no syringe to get it down her throat. So I innovated the turkey baster, and it worked like a dream. That is, after I figured out how to secure Maisie between my knees, force open her jaw with one oven-mitted hand, wield the baster with the other, shielding myself through the resulting foam spray as she wired her neck around like a hatching dragon. The bathroom was quite a scene.
We got about half cup of the mix down her and within 5 minutes, up it all came. Poor little thing had never puked before, she was pretty distressed. But forgot all about it after a long nap. She's back in fighting form today. Death to squirrels!
This page has a good breakdown on the chocolate-dogs phenomena.
Happy '07!