Monday, August 28, 2006

little missainnocent sugar me

So Barely Larry and I are at Def Leppard last weekend, and I comment on how great the skinny-ass shirtless bassist has held up lo these 20 years. "That's what heroin does for a body" says I. "Actually," Larry chirped earnestly, "he's really into yoga."

I responded to him the the only way one can to such a statement, by flipping him the bird. He shrugged.

And that exchange pretty much says it all. Larry may be the well-paid cover band rocker, but I ask you -- which one of us has rock and roll in our hearts?

milk it for all it's worth

I just got DSL installed (the technician is actually still here this very mo, playing with Maisie while he waits for the phone line ping to work) here in the new ATC HQ in Hayes Valley, and can now resume my digital life outside of free wireless cafes.

So here's today's piece of inanity:

Amazon started offering gourmet foods. So far, 737 people have reviewed "milk." Here are clips from my favorites:

"If god spit in my mouth, I assume this is what it would taste like. It's that good.

"Before I start, however, I should state that to understand what Dean Foods's particularly frightful form of absenteeism has encompassed as a movement and as a system of rule, we have to look at its historical context and development as a form of infernal politics that first arose in early twentieth-century Europe in response to rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution."

"My position at Tuscan Dairy Products was called "Container Control Specialist".I know what you're thinking, "DREAM JOB". You couldn't be more right."

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Try to keep up.

Rather a lot's been going on around here since I last posted (engagement, broken engagement, finals, temporary move, apartment hunting) and really? Nothing too funny or interesting about any of it. Honest. Anyhoo, I'm back in the saddle now. And will be living in a lovely Alamo Square flat in SF within the week. Email me for my new address, where good wishes and housewarming gifts may be sent.

I had a transcendently funny moment yesterday when I picked up the paper, and thought I'd missed Matt's birthday by a day. He's pretty unassuming about his birthday, so it wouldn't have been out of character for him not to tell me. It wasn't until I corroborated with 4 outside sources that I was convinced, so weaned on the power of the printed word was I. Even staring at the date on my mobile I wasn't sure. In the end I relied on iCal, as should we all.