
I've been playing with this facial recognition software. You upload a photo - front-facing, closeup head shots are best - and it runs it through their celebrity database. The results:
me first: i ran several photos through - the grumpy makeupless one above worked the best. My top results were Selma Blair (82%!), Cate Blanchett, and Juliette Binoche. Cate came up w/ 2 photos, Ashton Kucher came up in 3 - and both of them came up in my mom's, so I guess they're the closest. I can see Cate - the small eyes & face shape, anyway - but Ashton? Mom's not talking.
Anne B: you're still skewing young, dear... Alyson Hanigan, Anne Hathaway & Jamie Lynn Spears. I know you love that last one.
Matt M: Jerry Seinfeld, Rosanna Arquette, and, take comfort, Enrique Iglesias. In that order.
KC: Lech Walesa, John Cleese, and Juliette Lewis. Let's see - power to the people + absurd humor + crazy-ass Scientologist. Mhm.
Rorick: the completely unsurprising hat trick of Hugh Jackman, Hayden Christensen, and Owen Wilson.
dad: L. Ron Hubbard (omg), Robert Altman, and Julio Iglesias.
Kat: Candice Bergen, Holly Hunger and Tara Reid.
ms. Downhill All the Way: George Cloooney, Catherine Deneuve, and Sean Lennon. Glasses confuse the software, but that's a damn fine roundup.
Mauritius: Guess what? I have no head-on shots of you. You do love the Melrose Place angles. I finally came up with Ewan McGregor and Rachel Hunter, you sexy thing you.
I tried virtually every photo I have that I thought would work (including the dogs, which sadly had no hits), so if you're not on here, know I tried, and consider yourself an original.
gareth got: Ben Johnson (?), Joeseph McCarthy, Hugh Jackman, and Helen Hunt.
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Anonymous |
2:07 PM
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